Thursday, December 4, 2008

I walk by faith

My walk with the Lord is one that is by faith. There are many things in my life that I do not understand and many things that I cannot see. But I believe what God has said about my life and I speak forth.

Every blessing of God is to be received. It is not to be earned. Every blessing of God comes because He loves us. By His grace, we have already received. It is given to us freely by Him.

Faith has been given to us to impact every area of our lives. How many of us have lamented that we wish that we have more faith in God? My friend, sit back and listen - we HAVE the faith. It is already with us. We have to learn to activate that faith and use it. We will start to see miracles happen in our lives. Have the faith of God.

Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Faith gives us a life beyond what we can see. We are not bound by our sight.

Faith give us access to the Grace of God that has been given to us freely by Him. Faith is not a feeling, an emotion nor an attitude. However, faith can affect our feelings, emotions and attitude. With faith, we are more than a conqueror. We have overcome the world.

God has a positive expectation for us. We trust our lives to the law of faith. We are prisoners of hope and positive expectations that we will possess the promises that have been given to the children of God.

We believe and we therefore speak. Our believing will drive our speaking.

Faith is believing and speaking. Believing is a choice and a decision that we make. I choose to believe in what God has said about the victories in my life and I therefore speak. I freely share testimonies of revelations that I have received and miracles that have happened in my life. To me, these revelations and miracles are signs that affirm what I already believe.

Life and death is in the power of our tongue. We want to enjoy the abundant life that His Son came to give us. When we believe and speak it, God will make it come to pass in our lives. This gives us solid rock to build the foundation of our lives upon.

This is so easy - we believe and therefore we speak. We let our speaking be governed by what we believe. I believe what God has said and my speaking comes out of what I believe.

If we can say what a man said about our lives, surely we can say what God has said about our lives.

When a mountain gets in our way, what do we do? We should command the mountain to be removed and to get out of our lives. We speak because we believe. And do not doubt the truth in our hearts. We possess the promises through believing and speaking and patience. The moment our faith takes a hit, patience steps forward and pushes up our faith. Before we know it, we have arrived at the place where God wants us to be so that we can possess the promised land.

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