Thursday, March 26, 2009

You have been tagged

In recent times, it has become popular to "tag" someone to answer a list of questions or carry out the instructions in the tag. When you have done so, you would in turn have to tag some more people. It is something akin to chain mail although in this case, you are not just forwarding an electronic mail that you have received. You are also required to answer the list of questions or carry out the instructions in the tag.

This is similar to the game of "chase and tag" that is popular with children. In the game of "chase and tag", the object is to tag, or touch, other players who are then out of the game. Usually one player is "it" and he / she is required to chase and tag the other players, one of whom then becomes the new person who is "it".

In the internet version of "tag", so as not to break the chain, when you have been tagged, you should answer the list of questions or carry out the instructions in the tag (as the case may be) and then tag some other people to continue the chain.

I came across a few versions of tag in facebook recently that I found interesting:-

Tag #1: 25 Random Things

Rule: when you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. When you have done so, you are required to choose 25 people to be tagged. You also have to tag the person who tagged you because if he / she tagged you, it is because he / she would like to know more about you.

Tag #2: Do you know me?

Rule: when you have been tagged, you are supposed to reply to the person who tagged you by answering a list of questions about that person. The purpose of this tag is to see how well you know the person who tagged you.

1. The love of my life.

2. Where you and I met?

3. Take a stab at my middle name.

4. How long have you known me?

5. The last time we saw each other?

6. Would I ever go skydiving?

7. Your first impression of me upon meeting / seeing me?

8. Am I funny?

9. What is my favorite music?

10. Can I sing?

11. The best feature about me?

12. What do I want to do more than anything?

13. What is the one thing you think I should do?

14. Do I have any special talents? If so, what are they?

15. Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby or something else?

16. Have you ever hugged me?

17. My favorite food?

18. Have you ever had a crush on me?

19. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?

20. Your favorite memory of me?

21. If you and I were stranded on an island, what would i bring?

22. Do I believe in God?

23. Who is my best friend?

24. Will you re-post this so I can fill this out for you?

You have been tagged! The ball is now in your court....

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