Sunday, November 9, 2008

Jesus is in the midst of the church

It is wonderful to be in the midst of a storm but not to allow the storm to be in our midst. Some of us have storm inside us - rebuke that storm!

Jesus has the final word. God is on our side.

The forgiveness of sins is the main clause of the new covenant. The Holy Spirit abides in us to remind us that our sins God remembers no more. God today is faithful and righteous. God is for us. He is overflowing with goodness and blessings. So let us focus on the glory of Jesus.

Let us hear with a hearing heart.

The 4 horsemen referred to in the Book of Revelations bring war, famine, death and evil doctrine. When the enemy comes like a flood, the spirit of the Lord raises a banner against the spirits. Let us face the Lord and God will face the enemy for us.

Believe right and we will live right. The new covenant is not about doing right; it is about living right.

Every time we partake of the Lord's supper, we receive of the Lord. Discern the Lord's broken body - in His body is our healing. The devil attacks this truth and tries to make us think that if we are unworthy, we cannot partake. This is untrue. The issue is whether we partake in an unworthy manner, that is, not discerning His broken body. It is not whether we are worthy to partake.

We are no more from the old tree. We have been en-grafted in the new tree.

The Lord wants us to be wealthy so that we can be a blessing to others. God wants us to prosper. He has pleasure in our prosperity. It is blessed to be a blessing. God wants us healed and whole so that we can be a blessing to others.

Jesus wants to be in the midst of the church. As we face Jesus in the midst, God fights the enemy for us. The answer to the famine in the end times is the Church of Jesus Christ.

Outside in the natural world, the natural light is fading. The light of the lamp stand gives us wisdom. In every famine, God will raise someone with the light. When you ask God for something, He will light a lamp.

Sometimes, God closes the door to us. At that time, we wonder why this is happening to us. However, when we look back, we say "thank you" to the Lord. Let me give you an example. For many years, I have never bothered to open a trading account and I do not recall opening a securities account either. A few months ago, a colleague introduced his stock broker, who passed me some application forms to open a securities account and a trading account. I felt some excitement that I could finally buy some shares as an investment.

There was a particular stock that I was keen to purchase as it was being offered to the public (one-time offer) at a fraction of its usual trading price. However, a hiccup occurred in my securities account and trading account application. The stock broker was prompted by the computer system that I already had in place a securities account and she contacted me to clarify. I could not remember opening a securities account previously and by the time I looked up old records and discovered that many years ago, I did open a securities account (but not a trading account), the deadline to apply for the stock that I was interested in had passed.

Feeling peeved at myself, I got excited again when another stock was made available to the public at a fraction of its usual trading price. However, when I tried to apply for the shares via an ATM machine, I was prompted that I needed to key in my trading account as well as my securities account. When I chased the stock broker to open my trading account, she reverted that my application was rejected as my signature differed from that in the Stock Exchange's records. By the time I visited the Stock Exchange and updated my signature, I had missed the deadline for this stock as well.

I told my colleague about the two missed opportunities (my colleague was successful in his application for the 1st stock - I do not know whether he applied for the 2nd stock) and how I regretted not taking action earlier to open my trading account. However, guess what? In a short span of time after that fateful conversation, the world market suddenly nose-dived and the 2 stocks that I missed out on were being traded at much lower prices than what I would have paid for them.

Praise the Lord! Had I purchased those stocks, I would have suffered a loss. Do you know what was uncanny? During those few weeks when I was contemplating entering the stock market, part of the message that I kept receiving in church on sundays was "do not invest in stocks". My Abba Father was sending me a message not to enter into the stock market at that point in time. Despite that, I ignored His voice and even tried to hasten the opening of my trading account. What did He do? He kept closing the door to me and I kept encountering obstacles to my plan to purchase shares.

While I was feeling regretful at that point in time for having missed out on 2 good opportunities to buy good stocks, I am now so thankful that although I failed to listen to His voice, He loves me so much that He made sure that I was not able to purchase the shares. How good our Father is!

The tithe has the power to redeem our material life. God gives us light. What is holy, the devil cannot touch. If the first fruit is holy, the rest is holy. The tithe is 10% of what we have. If the tithe is holy, God blesses the rest of what we have. If we give 10% of our mind to God's word, the 90% of our mind will be activated. The tithe is a witness that the Lord lives. It is a proclamation that Jesus is alive. The Lord will give witnesses in our lives that Jesus is alive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you have bought the shares and you didnt sell the shares at the lower price, is termed as "paper loss". It'll only become an "actual loss" when you sell it at a lower price.

Arent you glad that you didnt have the a/c ready? When your a/c is ready (I believe soon), you can do shopping with whatever funds u have while others are sweating...but please be careful with the volatile market now


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