Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Abba Father is faithful

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.

We will never know how much Abba Father loves us until we know how much He loves Jesus. Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin for us on the cross so that we can have eternal blessings. I am humbled that He knows us all by name and He loves us so much.

God has not forgotten His children. We are inscribed in the palm of His hand. He can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think. He knows what we are going through and the challenges that we are facing. He did not put those challenges in our way but He will carry us on His shoulders and see us through.

Abba Father is forever in our lives. He leads us in His righteousness. We look to Him and wait on Him. He is faithful to us. He will never let us go.

God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways that we cannot see. He will make a way for us. He will be our God. With love and strength, for each new day, He will make a way. Never for a moment should we think that He has abandoned us, even when things seem to be going against us. All this is temporal. We have eternal salvation.

He has promised us that no evil shall befall us. A thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, but it shall not touch us. What God has promised us is a covenant - it means that it can never be broken. God does not have to make any promises to us - His word is binding. However, He knows that we are of little faith and He therefore cuts a covenant with us to show us that He really means it when He says that He is holding us in the palm of His hands and He will always make sure that we come out from our battles victorious.

When others persecute and lie about us, there is therefore no necessity to "get even". Live the "let go" life and we will see manifestations of His blessings. It will only be a matter of time before our opponents fall by the wayside and get out of our way, without any action on our part. There is no need to get angry with such people for they are blind and do not realise that it is impossible to strike down a child of God. We are protected and we have the eternal blessings of God. It will never be possible for evil beings to penetrate the wall of protection that our Abba Father has erected around us. These evil ones may send lying symptoms and throw spanners in our way but for so long as we remain faithful to the One True God, we know that He will turn all things for our good. He can even make use of market volatility and place us in the right place and right time and we end up being financial winners.

It is when we learn to leave our battles in the hands of our Abba Father that we can learn to relax ("no worries"). One day, we suddenly realise that the person who has been persecuting us has left the picture and we are still standing. It is simply amazing and there is no other way to describe this other than the fact that our Father is faithful and He will always take care of us.

How can it be, that Jesus our King should die for us? It is my joy to honour and praise Him. Jesus is our King.

The way of the world is that when someone hits you, you hit that person back. However, the way of God is different. When we face persecutions and opposition, surrender it all to Him. The battle is not ours. In fact, the battle has been won. Have faith and see the victory happening right before our very eyes.

Sometimes, we get angry because we do not see "retribution" happening fast enough. We then fret and fret and fret. However, ask yourself this - by fretting, can you change the situation?

Have you ever faced challenges from other persons and you get all riled up, wanting to take action about the injustice? When you do that, do you know who is the one who ends up getting more frustrated and flustered? Yourself. The greatest irony is that the perpetrator will still be able to sleep at night whereas you toss and turn in anger. It is easy to say to offer up the challenges to our Father God but difficult to carry it out. It is something that we all have to learn. If one has faith as small as a mustard seed, plant that seed and before you know it, you will see a plant growing faster than you can blink your eye. You can count the number of seeds in an apple but can you count the number of apples in a seed? Nothing is too big for our God.

What does it mean to surrender our challenges to Him and leave it in His hands? It does not necessarily mean to do nothing. Sometimes, some action is required on our part. For example, if we have examinations to sit for, it does not mean that we do not study for the examinations and leave it to God to let us pass with flying colours. No, we still have to study and do the best we can but do not worry about the outcome. How many of us can, by worrying, change anything?

Come, Holy Spirit, come pour out your anointing oil on me.

p.s. On the topic of "letting go", I have been informed by Hamtaro that Eddy scored 90 marks in his Mathematics examinations. Congratulations, my dear! I am very happy that you have learned to "let go", ie. study hard and do the best you can but do not worry about the outcome and leave it to the One above.

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