Da had to work today. As such, we decided to attend the 9 am church service.
Everyone overslept and by the time we reached church, it was too late to register Princess for the 9 am sunday class in church, or rather, it would have been kind of embarrassing if Princess were to stroll into class "fashionably late". As such, Princess attended the church service with us. She was a little restless this morning (she probably wondered why she was not enjoying sunday class with her friends) and I decided to carry her and stand near the back (to avoid disturbing the other churchgoers). During the time that I carried Princess, she kept clasping her hands together (as though in prayer) and smiling sweetly at the ushers in church. Although my back was to the ushers, I could hear them talking among themselves and commenting about how sweet a smile Princess had.
After church, we went to
Qi Ji at Suntec Tower Two for our brunch.

Da ordered the
nasi lemak set 1.

I ordered the nasi lemak set 3. We decided to share the ingredients that were not common to both sets.

We also ordered a mug of hot coffee and a mug of hot tea.

After brunch, Da went to work while Princess and I did some window shopping and thereafter, we proceeded to her enrichment class. The letter for today's class was "k".
After the enrichment class, Princess and I met up with Da's niece (SCT) at Qi Ji (again!) as Princess needed to eat her mid-afternoon meal. Thereafter, SCT gave us a lift to FIL's and MIL's home.
For the first time, Princess managed to take an afternoon nap in FIL's and MIL's bedroom. I had earlier today bought a small pillow and a small bolster for Princess to use at FIL's and MIL's home. She was comfortable with the surroundings and managed to nap for about two hours.

Da joined us at his parents' home after his work.
We had initially wanted to go out for dinner. However, as Princess was still napping, MIL and Da went to buy dinner back instead.

There is a cafeteria located at the development where FIL and MIL live. As such, meals are very convenient for them.

Ta-da! Dinner was served for four persons.

MIL had ordered a packet of fried rice to be shared by all of us.

She also ordered a packet of fried rice vermicelli to be shared.

And a plate of stir-fried vegetables to be shared. (Yes, my brother (LG) recently informed me that it is "old school" thinking to say that a sentence cannot start with "And", "Because", etc...)

MIL had bought a new wash basin for Princess. You cannot see it clearly in the photograph below but on the inside of the wash basin are cartoon pictures of cute monkeys.

MIL is camera-shy and made a quick dash to "safety zone" when she spied my digital camera facing her direction.