Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Year of the Tiger

Today is the first day of the new year in the Lunar calendar. This lunar year is the Year of the Tiger. May this year bring forth aggressive rest, aggressive healing (for our bodies and spirit) and aggressive favour for all of us.

As we overslept today, we are unable to make it for the 9 am church service. While waiting for the 11.30 am church service, we ate a simple breakfast of ham sandwiches.

What an awesome message the Lord gave to us in church today. In this season, God will meet the impossible demands of our lives if we refuse to regret the past and refuse to worry about the future.

After church, Princess had sat on a merry-go-round for the first time. She certainly enjoyed herself. I overheard a passerby say "So cute!" as he walked past Princess.

We had two homes to visit this evening. The first stop was at the home of Da's paternal grandfather. Da's parents and the family of Da's sister were also at the home of Ah Kong.

The next stop was at the home of Da's parents. SIS's mother-in-law joined us for dinner as well.

SIL's domestic helper, FM showed off her culinary skills in the kitchen.

MIL had prepared a feast for dinner.

The lap-cheong omelette was fried by FM.

MIL cooked her signature dish, curry chicken.

SIL's mother-in-law brought some fried rice vermicelli with lo hon chai ingredients that FM had cooked earlier.

The curry chicken had a lot of potatoes.

Typical of Chinese meals, there would be a dish of stir-fried green leafy vegetables.

MIL also cooked a pot of turnip with carrots.

Here's wishing you a happy Lunar New Year!


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