Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Righteousness and right believing

Just because God is providing does not mean that we are receiving. We have to ask ourselves why this happens. There is something that we believe that is not right that causes us not to receive.

Never put our faith in human experiences. Right believing is so important.

God is our heavenly father. He will give good things to us. How good He is! God wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health.

God justifies the ungodly (that is, you and me). The Cross gives God the righteous foundation. All our sins were punished on the Cross and a holy and just God cannot punish the same sin twice. Until God is unjust, our sins will never come back to haunt us.

Blessed is the man to whom God imputes righteousness apartment from works. Blessed is the man to whom God shall not impute sin.

The blessing of Abraham has come upon the church. We will be renewed in our youth. Let our light shine before man so that they may see our good works, so that we can glorify God.

Be patient and keep on believing that we are righteous. Our lives are a testimony.

Do you put your trust in Jesus and His sacrifice? Practising righteousness is not something that you do but what you believe.

People have love in their hearts for others because it is a result of right believing.

Right believing produces right living.

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