Friday, July 30, 2010

Duku langsat

The duku langsat is one of my favourite fruits.

When I was growing up, my parents used to buy duku langsat by the kilogrammes at a time.

Despite the thick yellow leathery skin, the flesh is sweetish. It is difficult to stop eating once you have started. It is so addictive!

What is not commonly known about the duku langsat (other than to fruit sellers) is that if you do not intend to eat the duku langsat on the spot, you should not handle the duku langsat using your bare hands. It seems that doing so can cause the duku langsat to spoil easily. As such, one will often find fruit sellers using a saucer (for example) to scoop the duku langsat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oops i thought duku langsat is the name of a road. there is duku road and langsat road right....maybe that area got duku langsat trees;)

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