In this time of famine, there is bread in the house of our Father and plenty to spare. Isaac (the son of Abraham) sowed in his Father's land during a time of famine and he reaped a harvest.
God's way is sowing and reaping. If we hoard a seed in our cupboard, one month later, it is still a seed. However, if we sow the seed, it is not long before the seed grows and brings forth our harvest.
As I work a 5-day week, saturday mornings are flexible for me. I could either go to the office to clear work (if there is urgent work to be done) or I could run errands.
This morning, Da gave me a lift to
Funan DigitaLife Mall on his way to work. This shopping mall is renowned for shops selling computer equipment, cameras, etc. However, I was there for a different agenda - breakfast. I had a 9.30 am appointment for a facial at a beauty salon located at
The Adelphi (opposite Funan Mall), so I had about half an hour to eat my breakfast before my appointment.

As I walked towards the front entrance of Funan Mall, I passed by a florist. Goodness me! There were so many teddy bears displayed, a sure sign that Valentine's Day is just around the corner.

I had in mind to have my breakfast at
Qi Ji, a food chain selling local specialities. I had read in the newspapers that Qi Ji had opened an outlet in Funan Mall. However, I could not find the Qi Ji outlet even though I walked around the 1st storey.
(I have since learned that Qi Ji is located at Unit #01-17 at Funan Mall. Perhaps it had not yet opened for the day when I was there.)
Disappointed, I proceeded to McDonald's with the intention to order
McGriddles. I was told that they only had the hot cakes and fish burger for sale that morning. As I am not fond of hot cakes and I did not want to eat a fish burger for breakfast, I left.
As it was nearing the time for my facial, I decided to have my breakfast at Kentucky Fried Chicken ("KFC"). Gosh, they have changed their breakfast menu since the last time I ate my breakfast at KFC (which, incidentally, was years ago). I ordered the platter meal.

I decided to sit next to the glass panels while having my breakfast so that I could "people-watch".
(Actually, the real reason is that the lighting there is better so it was easier for me to take a photograph of my platter meal. *grin*)

After breakfast, I crossed the road to The Adelphi. This shopping mall is known for their shops selling quality sound system. There are also several beauty salons located at The Adelphi.

I proceeded to the beauty salon that I patronise and spent a relaxing morning being pampered (except for the part when my pimples were being extracted - ouch!).

Da fetched me after his work and we went to
Glory Catering at East Coast Road for lunch. This food outlet sells local specialities such as nasi padang (that is, steamed white rice served with ingredients of your choice),
mee rebus,
mee siam,
kueh-kueh, etc.

Da ordered a mee rebus. It did not disappoint, as always.

I ordered a mee siam, which was just as tasty.

No visit to Glory Catering would be complete without ordering some kueh-kueh to end your meal on a sweet note. They also sell my all-time favourite drinks -
teh tarik and kopi tarik. Today, we shared a teh tarik.

We had a dinner
appointment with Da's cousin (MT) today. Before we left to fetch MT, I made some jemput-jemput (banana fritters) in the evening.

We fetched MT from Marine Parade and made our way to
Miramar Hotel. Da had made a reservation for a table for three persons at The Fern Tree Cafe.

The hotel was still in a Chinese New Year mood and the Fern Tree Cafe was decorated in festive cheer.

Instead of ordering our dinner from the menu, we decided to eat the international buffet.

The Fern Tree Cafe's buffet has quite a wide spread. My family as well as Da's parents have eaten at the Cafe several times with Da and me, and each time we enjoyed the meal.

The buffet spread tonight was a little different. As we are still within the 15 days of Chinese New Year, the buffet spread included typical food eaten during Chinese New Year such as
年糕 (nián gāo).

As Da and I have another buffet dinner to attend tomorrow (as it is the birthday of my sister-in-law, MF tomorrow), I decided to pace myself. As such, I sampled as much of the food as I liked but I did not go for second helpings.

As with other times when Da and I meet up with MT, we had an enjoyable time chatting. MT reads Christian books widely and it is very interesting to discuss our Saviour with him.
Hei, I tot mee siam was suppose to be the dry and light yellow colored type? Or Sin Ka Poe has its own version of the wet type????
Hi Uncle T,
Yes, we have the dry version and wet versions of mee siam, although our makan is not as yummy as the makan in Kay-El or Pee jay.... :)
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