Sunday, August 31, 2008

We are burden-free

The Lord is an awesome God. When you see Him for who He truly is, you begin to have a good opinion of God.

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This is the Son of God.

Do not have an old covenant mindset of judgment. Jesus did not come to judge sin. Jesus came to put an end to sin by being the fulfilment of the law.

Allow the covenant of grace to be what we totally believe to be.

We receive the unmerited favour of God. We get what we do not deserve. Keep seeing Jesus unveiled.

God wants to cut a covenant with us. God knows that for Him, He is sure. God will manage us. Our sins and our lawless deeds, God will remember no more. When we are in need, God will show up with His miracle cutting power.

Old covenant is "YOU DO" whereas new covenant is "GOD DOES". Old covenant stirs up the flesh. The essence of flesh is the works of the flesh. Flesh is nothing more than depending on oneself and this produces sin. When we depend on ourselves, we get angry, bitter, wounded and fed up.

The most spiritual person on earth is the one who receives from God. He does not depend on himself and instead depends and receives from God. When we receive from God, there is no need to sin, no need to get angry with our friends and no need to get jealous about someone. God can fill us with what we do not have. The more we receive from God, sin has no more consciousness for us. Sin shall not have dominion over us for we are not under law but under grace.

What if we still have the behaviours of the flesh? Keep feeding on Jesus and keep seeing Jesus. Knowing that we are under grace liberates us to reign in life by one Christ Jesus.

We still have challenges today but we are burden-free. We do not carry the challenges any more. Jesus carried our challenges on the Cross.

We are under a system where we receive, receive and keep receiving. Christian life is one of receiving.

Faith works by love. It is about God's love for us and not our love for God. Faith works when we know that God loves us. When we are under crisis, God's perfect love gives us ability to rise up and say that as Jesus is full of resurrection life, so are we in this world. This is the awesome love of God.

When sin abounds (increases), grace super abounds. The heart of God is not that He likes us to sin so that when we sin, He gives us more grace. God's heart is that when we sin, He knows that we need super abounding grace, so He pours that super abounding grace on us. The message sounds so good, too good, but it is all true.

We need to see God's love every day. Jesus expressed God's heart. Jesus is God in the flesh.

When the prodigal son failed and turned back to go home, the father ran to him, hugged him and kissed him. The father threw the robe of righteousness around the son because the father knew that the son will feel condemned.

We have a righteousness that is unchanging. We do not have to feel condemned or guilty. God has given us the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Today, it is a great insult for us to feel condemned, guilty or lousy.

God has a loving kindness. God gave us His peace. We have shoes that protect our walk every day. What an awesome saviour we have! Jesus died so that we can celebrate. He died that we might not just live but that we might celebrate. He has provided for us everything. This is the heart of the Father. Just rest and be confident in Jesus' love. As we look to Jesus, draw from Jesus, feed on Jesus and feed on Jesus' love, God's strength will begin to manifest in our situation.

God has given us His shalom peace so that we can walk into our place of victory. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. God is able to perform what He has promised.

Experience the life of rest and receiving.

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