Sunday, August 17, 2008

One sacrifice forever

There is something powerful that happens when we partake of the Lord's supper. By eating Jesus, we are restored in every aspect of our life.

Our sins have been dealt with at the Cross. Jesus carried the hatefulness of our sins. He became sin on the Cross. Our only contribution to the Cross is our sin. We are not forgiven based on our knowledge of our sins or how perfect our confession is and whether we are in fellowship. We are forgiven based on God's knowledge of our sins. The Lord knows the efficacy of His Son's blood. God is satisfied with what happened on the Cross. We are forgiven according to the richness of His grace. There is no unforgiven Christian. All believers are forgiven eternally.

Take note, however, that wilful sin is the rejection of Jesus as the sacrifice for our sins. There is no forgiveness for this sin.

May the light of Jesus shine into the dark recesses of our lives and drive away every fear.

Anything we do that we deem as achieving self-righteousness, God deems as offal (ie. dung).

Our Saviour's sacrifice is eternal and therefore, our rest is eternal. The blood of Jesus has taken away all sins.

If our sacrifice (ie. Jesus) worked, then why do we still have consciousness of sin? How can we, believing wrong, live right? Believing right will always cause us to live right. The Lord has prepared for us at the Cross every contingency for every emergency. As long as we are uneasy in our consciousness, we cannot worship freely. A heart full of terror cannot worship the Lord. We need to come to the finality of what Jesus did at the Cross. His work is complete and eternal!

Our sins brought Christ down to the Cross. His righteousness brought us up to the Father's throne.

When we come before God, He will not deal with us based on our sin. Our Father loves us and He will not bring up the subject of sin as it is settled once and for all. We can then openly tell God our problems and our weaknesses. We use His grace to overcome the problem or weakness.

Why do some people not want to come to church? They are afraid that if they come before God, the light of God will expose their darkness. This is farther from the truth! For the believer, the light of God will shine on us and show how perfect the work of His Son is. Jesus did His work perfectly. Once Jesus put away sin, God will never again talk about sin.

All our sins have been completely put away by one sacrifice of Jesus. Now, when we sin, we should not go to God with the consciousness of sin. We believe that by one sacrifice, our sins have been put away. We do not feel that we have to pay for our wrongdoing. It is a form of self-righteousness to feel bad before one can feel good. All our diseases came on Jesus and He was slashed so that by His stripes, we are healed. He is worthy and altogether lovely.

Every blessing in this world that is natural (eg. raindrop or sunshine) comes through the blood of Christ. The world has what is good. Believers have what is perfect.

All our sins have been perfectly answered through Jesus' blood. One sacrifice for our sins forever.

God is glorious. His light shining on us exposes how perfect His Son's sacrifice has been in our lives. We can talk to God about our problems and weaknesses without fearing that we will not be accepted.

Knowing that Jesus died for our sins and God will never punish us for our sins does not make us want to sin more. Instead, it makes us want to love Jesus more. Everything was against Jesus on the Cross so that there will be nothing against us today. Our Father's throne is ready for us, His children. He will never judge us again because He has already judged us at the Cross. What about people who claim that they are Christians and yet, they continually do bad things against other people? If this is the case, then they have not truly understood the sacrifice that was made at the Cross. Full understanding that our sins have been forgiven eternally will not make us want to sin more. A person who says that he believes in the Lord and yet, by his action, shows that he is not a Good Neighbour is clearly demonstrating to the world his lack of total understanding of how much the Lord loves us. He should take a second look at himself and ask himself whether he is fit to call himself a Christian. He should not hide behind man-made rules to justify his actions. Do these rules have any basis in the Bible? If not, they are not from God. We are in this world but not of this world. We need to discern and learn to hear the voice of the Lord.

The Lord is a God of judgement but not to me, because of Jesus and what He did at the Cross. Jesus met all of God's judicial claims. I am satisfied that God is satisfied with the work of Christ.

When we feel that things are not going our way and everything seems to be going wrong in our lives, remember that this is only a feeling. It is not true. Everything was against Jesus on the Cross so that everything will go our way. It is not to say that there will be no weapon formed against us in our life. However, any weapon that has been formed WILL NOT PROSPER. The enemies of the Lord's beloved will discover sooner than later that it does not pay to trifle with blessed people for judgement will go their way.

I will keep my mind on the Cross always.

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