Monday, April 20, 2009

The Lord loves me

To my dearest and most wonderful Lord,

Grace is unearned, undeserved favour. By Your grace, I am who I am today. You use my weakness and infirmities to Your glory.

Jesus, You are my redeemer. You came down to earth as a man, You are rich and You are willing to redeem me.

Your Grace causes me to labour more abundantly than others. I no longer labour because I am relying on my works to bring me blessings. I know that Your Grace brings me blessings. Grace is Your power unto my salvation. Your righteousness is revealed in the gospel. The righteous by faith shall live.

I know that before my faith can flow like the rivers, I have to curse self-righteousness and remove it from my life. It is because of Jesus that I am enjoying the favour of God. I am forgiven not just because of God's mercy. It is because of God's righteousness because He cannot punish my sins twice. Jesus has already been punished for my sins at the Cross. My sins have been forgiven not because I have escaped but because they have been judged on the body of Jesus Christ. God is faithful and just.

I believe that You died for us and as us. Today, God's righteousness is on my side. God is for me, so who can be against me? I put my eyes on Your love for me. As I keep my eyes on that which is constant, even though things may be moving around me, I am stabilised, immovable and unshakable.

God loves me! I have faith in that love. I believe the love that God has for me. God is no longer judging me based on who I am but based on the perfect Man at His right hand. Christ is acceptable to God and is pleasing to the Father. As You are, so am I in this world! Perfect love casts out fear. Your love for me is perfect. I love because You first loved me. For God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son (John 3:16). God's love for me is constant. Hallelujah!

The law cannot make me perfect. The law condemns. The 10 Commandments are not evil but they are like a mirror and show up our imperfections and how much we need the Lord. We can never keep the 10 Commandments perfectly.

The Lord loves me and I am filled with the goodness of God. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I can ever ask or think. Just imagine - even when I do not say out loud the desires of my heart, God answers! When God restores, He restores more than what I have lost. Good things happen to people who know and believe that God loves them. Amen! Our self-esteem is on unshakable ground. Good things happen to me, for me and in me because I am the one whom You love. When I boast of Your love for me, I will be used by You mightily. The more I feed on Your love for me, it will strengthen me to lead a powerful life.

Jesus loves me, this I know... for the Bible tells me so.

In Genesis 22, God asked Abraham to offer up Issac (the son whom Abraham loved) as a sacrifice to God on the mountain. As Abraham was about to kill Isaac, God stopped Abraham and He provided a ram (which happened to pass by!). This is a picture of Jesus. God is telling us that He will give up His only Son, the Son whom He loved, for us.

When I labour to please You, I am heavy laden. I come unto You and You will give me rest. The Cross changed everything. At the Cross, You received my "bad" and I received Your "good". Jesus, You are an overpayment from God for my sins. That is why there is much more left over. You love me and You gave Yourself up for me. I am blessed because I know how much You love me.

He who spared not His own Son for us all but gave Him up, how will He not with Him, also freely give us all things (Romans 8)? God will not withhold any blessings from my life. I am a blessing wherever I go. I am God's beloved! Temptations cannot be successful when I have a sense that I am God's beloved. I am precious and valuable. God loves me perfectly. The Son of God who loved me gave Himself for me. I am the one that Jesus loved. Every day, I have a sense that I am Your beloved. I keep my eyes on that which is fixed. My life has been radically transformed by listening to radical preaching of Your Grace.

Lord, Your love becomes more and more real in my life every day. You have stripped the devil of all his weapons. It take someone who knows that he is beloved to knock down the devil.

With people, is is more blessed to give. With the Lord, it is more blessed to receive. You love to give. You want to serve me, minister to me, give to me, wash my feet and bless me. The more I take from You, the more it delights You and it refreshes You. Grace is taking from You, Lord whereas law demands that man give.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). I have faith to believe that I am right with God by the blood of Jesus.

Lord, You have been good and gracious to me. I believe that there is more in store for me and I will take some more from You! Thank You, Jesus. I give You praise.

I am personal to You, Lord. I am special to You. At the Cross, You rested Your head. You found Your rest in redeeming me, saving me, healing me and loving me. You find your food in loving me. I find my food in feeding on Your love. I feel Your love and it makes me strong. I am more than a conqueror. Praise the Lord for He is good; for His love ensure forever. I boast of Your love for me.

I am a child of destiny. God loves me and You have a purpose and destiny for my life. On the Cross, Jesus bore all my judgement, shame and sin so that God will righteously make me righteous in His sight. When Jesus cried, "It is finished!", God tore the veil in the temple into two. The same blood that removed the veil will also remove my sins. Every blessing that I have received and will continue to receive from God was made sure at the Cross. God wants to take me from death to life and have life more abundantly.

Jesus, You are my Saviour and my Lord. I am Your beloved. My sins have been put away by Your precious blood. I receive You in my life and You will give me rest. Amen.

The daughter whom You love,

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