Thursday, April 16, 2009

We worship a wonderful Saviour

Jesus is the bread of life. We are what we eat. If we eat Jesus, we will live by Him.

We are all guilty and we are all sinners. The Lamb took our place. As Christ is, so are we in this world.

As believers, we may sometimes have an evil day. We should refrain our tongue from evil if we want to see good days. What is an evil day? It is a day of judgement, when everything seems to go wrong. Such a day is from Man / the devil. However, for believers, because of the Cross, the evil cannot come into our house. The blood protects us.

Jesus has paid for our sins and God has risen Him from the dead. At the Cross, God punished Jesus for our wrongdoing. Every healing of ours was paid for by Jesus at the Cross.

How God thinks of Christ is how God thinks of us because God placed us in Christ.

The more we find the glories of Christ, every beauty, perfection and excellencies of Jesus is ours.

If God judges us based on our thoughts, none of us will be standing today. However, God has taken Jesus' thoughts (which are sinless) and imputed them to us. Jesus is our covering and our new identity. He is beautiful.

Jesus came to become our Saviour and He rose again to be our High Priest. When Jesus went down the valley of death for us, He conquered satan and gave us an even bigger victory. Jesus came as a second Adam to be saviour of mankind. He sweat blood to redeem us from Adam's curse. God has no more judgement for us today.

When Jesus walked on earth, He was never sick even though He lived among the sick. Look to Jesus and be at rest.

Jesus is like fine flour. There is nothing uneven about Him. Everything about Jesus is equally balanced.

In a world that has so much disharmony, we thank God that we can see Jesus. We are in Jesus, the fragrant one. The devil is out there to remind us of our imperfections. But we should not look towards ourselves. Look towards Jesus and see His perfections in us, and see miracles flow in our lives!

Only people who are secure can serve. People who are insecure are proud. Jesus is all God and yet he knelt down and washed our feet. What a mystery! He is meek and yet, He is all Majesty. I am awed by His humility.

Grace is unearned and undeserved favour. We are living by the gift of God. Every morning we are able to wake up, see the beauty of creation and smell the flowers - our life is a gift from God.

Jesus' life is full of fragrance. When the heat was on Jesus, He said, "Father, forgive them.". Conversely, human honey is pretentious. When honey meets fire, it becomes sour. When someone appears to be very sweet to you but your instincts tell you that this person is not what he/she appears to be, you can be sure that when the pressure is on him/her, you will see his/her true colours. If only everyone can see through the true colours of insincere people. Unfortunately, many of us live through rose-tinted spectacles and are unable to see what others can see. I pray that their eyes will one day be opened and they will realise who are the ones who are truly faithful and loyal. Jesus had no human honey in his dealings with people.

No matter how bad your past was, there is Jesus in your future.

Let us bow down and worship, for this is our God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for writing this piece


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