Thursday, January 15, 2009

An abundant life worth living

Because of Jesus' finished work on the Cross, goodness and mercies shall follow us all the days of our lives. God satisfies our mouth with good and fills our lives with good things.

God renews our youth like the eagle. Let us forget not all His benefits.

What benefit do you want in your life today? Take it! The Lord has provided us with it. Begin to see God's grace in your situation and He will see it as faith. Because He sees your faith, you will receive the breakthrough that you need.

God is no respecter of persons but He is a respecter of faith. Faith attracts God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

The question is not whether we have enough faith in God. It is a question of who is speaking. If God is speaking, He cannot lie and whatever He says will come to pass. He speaks truth. All the promises of God in Christ are "yes" and "Amen".

God wants us to choose life so that we may come alive. Life is a blessing. Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. God is not behind our trouble. God is our answer. Jesus became sin on the Cross by receiving our sin. We became righteous by receiving Jesus' righteousness and all the free favours of God will fall on us. Thank You, Abba Father!

We are righteous, not by our deeds but by Jesus' blood. Let us live life boldly. Do not be afraid to face our problems because we know that God is on our side.

Money is a very good servant but it is not our god. Let it serve us; do not serve it.

Jesus wants us to be overflowing with zoe life, that is, God's eternal life. It is a quality of life that God possesses and that Jesus came to give us. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. His life flows in our veins. The life of Jesus in His blood cleanses us of our sins. When we drink the cup of Jesus' blood during communion, we are drinking the life of Jesus itself. There is only one blood that is untainted and unspotted by sin - the blood of Jesus.

Jesus is the bread of life. He came down so that we can eat Him and receive the very life itself. God wants us to enjoy His life. When we receive Jesus, we become alive. Jesus gave His flesh for the life of this world. Whoever eats Jesus' flesh and drinks His blood has eternal life and Jesus will raise him up at the last day.

Jesus died for us sinners. Jesus' beating was our beating. Our sins are paid in full by the sacrifice of Jesus. For us to beat ourselves now is nothing more than self-righteousness and pride. His body was broken so that healing can come to our bodies. We drink the cup to declare that our sins have been forgiven. We need to discern the Lord's body. The bread that we take is the broken body of Jesus. Do not rob ourselves of the provision. The Lord's supper is the answer to life and wholeness. In Jesus, we have a way of escape.

Many a time, the Lord's supper heals us increasingly and gradually. It is so quietly supernatural. Communion is the best medicine because it came from heaven and has no side effects.

It is important to keep on hearing the Word of God. This is the year of the free favours of God. He that received the seed into good ground hears the Word, understands it and brings forth fruit. Let us receive the Word and make it ours. The seed grows; we know not how and suddenly, the harvest is there. "How" is the Lord's business, not ours. We will bring forth fruit with patience. Keep on believing and persevere.

Let us receive life and receive it more abundantly.

Abba Father, I thank You that even thought it is barely into the start of the year 2009, my family and I have already started experiencing your free favours. I am excited that this year will bring forth countless miracles and blessings for my loved ones and me. I believe that the miracles have occurred and I wait with bated breath for the manifestation of the miracles for the world to see. Thank You, Father, for answering my prayers.

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