Thursday, June 26, 2008

Goodness me

This morning, while I was standing at the lift lobby waiting for Da to lock up so that we can go to work, the 3 little boys from the neighbouring unit on my floor came rushing to their door to chit-chat with me. I cannot explain this (since I do not have any children of my own yet), but kids seem to like to talk to me. These 3 boys are very young, with ages ranging between 2 to 5 years old. Whenever they see me, they like to tell me about how their day went, what they intend to do for the rest of the day / the next day, what they bought recently, etc. This morning, they were busy showing me their toys. The 2 older boys (aged 4 and 5) even had toy mobile phones whose display screens would show the English alphabet when you press on the keypad. What an ingenious educational toy that appeals to the current generation as well!

On an unrelated note, I have been placing some thought to my playlist and I have decided to separate the Praise & Worship songs from other English songs. As such, I have created a separate playlist named "Praise & Worship". So far, I only have English worship songs in it but I am open to the idea of adding worship songs in other languages. I have so far heard some worship songs in Chinese and they are very beautiful. Erm.. as usual, I have no idea what they are singing, please pardon my poor command of the Chinese language, but you can feel the spirit in the song. It is very difficult to explain the feeling.

Praise the Lord! I just found some lovely Chinese and Hokkien worship songs. I have added them to my "Praise & Worship" playlist. I especially like the Chinese song sung by Adeline Gan.

You would not believe this. I just found a worship song in Cantonese! I have added it to my "Praise & Worship" playlist. No, LSD, do not ask me what the lyrics are. I only know that the song title is "神大愛".

To my 3 technical consultants (you know who you are), I have noticed that in some blogs, YouTube videos have been posted. How do you post a YouTube video?

In yesterday's post, I mentioned corneal erosion. I have since found out that recurrent corneal erosion is a condition affecting the outermost layer of corneal cells called the "epithelium". In such cases, the bottom layer of epithelial cells adhere poorly to the cornea. The pain and discomfort can be intense. There is usually an underlying disorder that causes recurrent corneal erosions to occur, eg. a previous corneal injury or corneal disease. People who suffer from corneal erosion often experience severe pain, blurred vision and light sensitivity. Even when the cornea heals, the problem may recur unless the condition is treated. Recurrent corneal erosion may affect one or both eyes, depending on the underlying cause. Unlike what I mentioned to Da yesterday, current medical technology is such that the patient may not necessarily need cornea transplant. It seems that salt solution drops or ointment are usually prescribed initially. Artificial tears are also recommended to keep the cornea moist. Those with more severe cases may be advised to seek additional treatment including procedures where the superficial layer of corneal cells are removed using laser.

At the end of the day, our eyes are very important and we should take good care of them. That means we should avoid crying excessively, rubbing our eyes, being on msn until the wee hours of the morning or staying up till unearthly hours to watch soccer. Oops! Pot calling kettle black! Much as I would like to say that I practice what I preach, I have unfortunately fallen on the wayward side. This is probably why I do not get enough sleep each day and I have difficulty waking up each morning (often resulting in my telling Da, "five more minutes, please.....").

Yours eyes are the windows of your soul. Take good care of them.

1 comment:

wesirelander said...

I didnt intend to ask...anyway..I beat you "hands down" for the length of post for yesterday...heeee. How about the next challenge? Typing a post in chinese? *grin*

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