Saturday, April 10, 2010

Visit to the home of the Three Musketeers

I had a work meeting to attend this afternoon. As I was not sure whether I would have time for lunch today before the meeting, Da went to our favourite coffee shop at Jalan Tua Kong and bought a substantial breakfast for me.

While Princess was taking her morning nap, I managed to bake a mocca fudge cake.

MIL came to our home after her saturday work to babysit Princess. I barely had enough time to change my clothes before I had to rush to the meeting without lunch.

When I came back from my meeting, FIL was at our home. He had arrived after I had left our home for the meeting.

Da, Princess and I went to the home of the Three Musketeers for dinner today. We brought the mocca fudge cake that I had baked this morning. ET had cooked curry fish head for dinner today.

Supercute was the perfect kor-kor and he took good care of Princess. Princess is also very fond of Tau Suan. Both kor-kors take the trouble to talk to Princess and keep her company. They are also very patient with her and shower her with affection.

Nining showed me her new sticker collection.

Dinner time! I was ravenous as I did not have my lunch today. I could taste Indian spices in the curry gravy.

A plate of crispy peanut crackers complemented the dinner.

Nining is now in Kindergarten 1. How time flies! She has adjusted to her role as jie-jie well and she makes sure that Princess drinks her water and eats her snacks.


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