There were two thieves who hung on the Cross on either side of Jesus. Today, we will not be robbed "left and right"!
God has better things for us. We are not under the curse any more. There is only one reason why God hears us - it is because of Jesus. Jesus came to reveal one name - Abba Father. We have received the spirit of sonship. He is almighty God and He is our daddy. God is our Father.
We know how to give good gifts to our children. How much more will our Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him. Father, give my family, my relatives, my loved ones, my friends and me protection against diseases, including the H1N1 virus. Thank You, Father. Amen.
We do not ask God because we are good or because we deserve it. God gives good things to those who ask Him. We have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but we have received the spirit of sonship by which we cry out, "Abba, Father". Thank God that God is our Father. He will never abuse us physically nor verbally. He is so much more in goodness.
What is your spirit? Is it a family spirit? we are family and God is our Father. It is so easy to receive from our Father. We can just take and take. He is more than happy to supply us with good things.
Jesus did not come to destroy but to save. Do not have an "old covenant" spirit.
Is your spirit a God's spirit of family? Father, I appreciate You. I love You, I adore You and I bow down before You. Prayer is a visitation with our Father. Prayer is an experience of being loved. We just enjoy.
It is not enough to love those around us if we do not say it, show it and manifest it. The devil will work on the minds of others around us and they end up thinking that we do not love them.
There are more in heaven than in hell. There are multitudes in heaven and it is all because of the blood of Jesus. Many a time, we receive before we have grown up spiritually. The goodness of God leads us to repentance.
We are heirs of the world. Christianity is not a religion. The devil wants to keep us sick and broke because he is afraid that we find out about our inheritance through the blessings of Abraham. We belong to God and God is our Father. Jesus came and died for us. He redeemed us from being children to being sons. Everyone who received Christ is put into sonship.
The law is a weak element. Jesus was born of a woman and born under the law, to redeem us from the law. We are now under grace. All of us are sons of God and God has sent forth the spirit of sons into our hearts. We can now call out, "Abba, Father". We have intimacy with God and we can freely receive. We are heirs of God through Christ. Everything that Christ has, we are an heir. The spirit of sonship is manifested in the way we address God. He loves us, watches over us and protects us. He is so good that no words can describe. Heavenly Father, I appreciate You!
What spirit do you have? If we have the right spirit, we will inherit. We do not have to pray complicated prayers. If God wants to get all the glory, God has to do all the work. We rest in Him and He gets all the glory. Our lives are a life of rest and we just enjoy His presence.
Father, I renounce any orphan spirit and the spirit of legalism and any old covenant spirit. Father, restore to me the spirit of sonship. Father, I belong to You. Thank You for making me Your heir. Amen.
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