The Lord's grace is sufficient. His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. God's strength can flow unabated. The power of Christ rests upon us. When we are weak, then I are strong. God cannot fill a cup that is already full. The more we are full of ourselves, God's strength cannot manifest.
All things work together for our good. God uses all the minor details in our lives to product something good. When we face trouble, God will turn every lemon (that the devil throws at us) into lemonade. God will cause all things to turn for our good.
God works all things according to the counsel of His will. People will look at us and thank God that we are in their lives. It is to the praise of His glory. We have something the world does not have - all things in our lives work together for our good. There is a redeeming factor in all our infirmities. He will turn all our scars into stars and our mess becomes our message. We belong to God and are called according to His purpose. We are a believer in Christ. For those who love God are called according to His purpose. Everything in our lives will work together for our good. Whatever happens in our lives, God wants to bring us to the place where we are conformed to the image of Jesus.
Let us persevere towards adverse circumstances. Let us be patient towards difficult people.
God made us like Jesus in every area of our lives. God does not initiate the evil but God turns it for our good. We are predestined to end up like Jesus. The grace of God is that His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.
God has a plan for us. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for us. The bad thing is not the will of God. But when bad things happen to us, God will turn it for our good. When we give thanks, the small will not remain small and the lack will not remain a lack. What happened to the 5 loves and 2 fish when they multiplied will also happen to our lives. Jesus glorifies the last, the lost and the least.
Thank God for whatever you have. Whatever we thank God for, that will multiply and increase. We are in God's perfect plan. God can use our past as a blessing for our future. God loves us too much to let us stay the way we are. God wants to cultivate us. Jesus died for all of us. God will cultivate us to conform to the image of Jesus. We will never know what God has for us. In all circumstances, remember and thank God that He is in control. God is with us.
There is no such thing as an accident in our lives. Others mean evil against us but God turns it for our good. We will feed and thrive in the midst of our adversities. A merry heart does good like medicine. Smile by faith and feelings of happiness will flow.
We will never know when good is coming. Our past is to give thanks. God made us an eagle. We fly very high. God bore us on His eagle wings. When we are more patient and peaceful, life becomes more fun and we will be more healthy. God renews our youth like the eagles. He promises that He will never let us hit the bottom. We will get stronger each day and we start to look at our difficulties differently and our giants no longer look as big as they are. God bothers enough to work everything for our good.
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