Faith comes by hearing and hearing of the Word of Christ. It takes a good thought to take away an evil one. When we listen to the Word, the Word preached saves us and delivers us. We need to hear Jesus being preached every day.
Law has been removed from our lives. We behold the glory of the Lord through the eyes of faith and we are transformed into the same image from glory to glory. Every time we see Jesus, we are transformed. Transformation is inside out. God does not want us changed by our own human effort. We cannot change ourselves. Only the Holy Spirit can change us, from the inside out. Therefore, let us rest in the Lord.
The Spirit gives life. The New Covenant is the covenant of Grace. It is a ministry of righteousness. When Jesus died, God's law came to an end. When there is a new covenant, the old becomes obsolete. The old covenant as a veiled covenant where we were not sure how God would react. The new covenant is unveiled and it exceeds in glory and it is eternally everlasting. How God sees and treats us will never change. In the new covenant, we will find true freedom. Whoever turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Behold the new covenant and behold the glory of Jesus.
We all behold the good opinion of the Lord about us. Even though we fail and fail, His opinion of us is that we are righteous and forgiven.
Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us. He came all the way to earth. Jesus humbled Himself. He is so big in our lives. We behold His opinion of us that is full of Grace and truth. It is undeserved, unmerited favour from God. God is more gracious and more compassionate than we really know. God sees us always with His good opinion of us. We see the good opinion of God in the face of Jesus.
We see Jesus' face today as shining upon us. He is more than generous and more than gracious than we could ever imagine. The Lord blesses us and keeps us. The Lord makes His face shine upon us and be gracious to us. The Lord lifts up His countenance upon us and gives us peace.
It is because of Your smile, Jesus, that I can face the world and I can see a ray of light shining through my life.
God gives us forgiveness and righteousness. Use this knowledge and get to the greater truth - Jesus himself. Lord, let me have a personal relationship with You. Let me have a fresh revelation of You daily.
The tree of life creates desires in us that are good for us. If God gives us the desire, go for it. If God does not give us the desire, do not go for it.
Go to Jesus because His opinion of us never changes. He who believed do enter. The one who goes to Jesus, He will by no means cast out. Every time we go to Jesus, we will freely receive. How we see Jesus determines whether we go to Jesus.
Jesus is not religious. When He walked on earth, the religious people (such as the Pharisees) hated Him. He is concerned about whatever troubles us, big or small.
Before we say anything, God shows Grace to us. After we speak, God continues to show Grace to us. When we are in doubt, God blesses us. God does not want us to be at any point in self-doubt. He brings forth the best robe and clothes us in righteousness.
The death of the Lord brings us blessings. There is no more wall and obstacle. The Lord wants us to enter into His presence. Let us come boldly to the throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy and find Grace to help in time of need, for whatever challenges we have.
God answers our prayers above and beyond what we can ask or think.
At the Cross, God turned His face away from Jesus as God's judgement fell upon Jesus. Midday became midnight and the sun refused to shine.
Jesus is God's Son and God has given Him for us. Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
If God is for us (and He is!), who can be against us?
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