The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation. It is my protection, salvation, wholeness, health and prosperity. In it, the righteousness of God is revealed. We receive Christ by Grace through faith. The Lord is always with me on my Christian walk. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Grace is a person, not a subject. We have grace-based blessings.
Once we believe that we are justified by faith, it is a matter of time that other people will see our good works. Right believing produces right living. God is interested in life and heart transformation.
By Adam's offence in the Garden of Eden, sin came in and death reigned (Romans 5:17). However, God hates death and called it an "enemy". Jesus has conquered death for us and we will be forever young and forever healthy. Lord, I receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and I will reign in life.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16).
Ignorance is the reason for a life of sin. Awake to righteousness and sin not! Either you are righteous or you are not. We were once a sinner but we are now a new creation in Christ. We receive the Holy Spirit by faith. We cannot earn miracles by the law and our works. It is not what I have done or who I am but what He has done and who He is. When it is God, it is effortless. By beholding the glory, we are being transformed by the Spirit. When I believe in Jesus, I am justified forever. God will by no means remember our sins because 2000 years ago, God took all our sins and laid it on the body of Jesus and punished Jesus for us. God is faithful and just and today, He will not punish us anymore.
The more I receive the gift of righteousness and abundance of favour, the more I will reign in life. Supernatural transformation is effortless. Sin shall not have dominion over me because I am not under law but under Grace. Through Jesus, I receive forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit embraces me.
We are seated with Christ. We rest in Christ's finished work. When we sit under Grace, we will become holy because God works in us. He gives us gifts (eg. the ability to sing) and He blesses us for using the gifts that He gave us (eg. by serving in the church choir and singing worship songs that celebrate the Grace of Jesus). It is the Grace of God. Jesus is altogether lovely and His work is perfect. It is the goodness of God that causes us to walk closely with Him.
The Holy Spirit has come to teach us Grace and to glorify Jesus. The Holy spirit has come to convict us of righteousness. I am the righteousness of God apart from my performance. The blood of the Son of God gives us eternal forgiveness. We are forgiven of our entire life of sins. We have forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His Grace. This gift was given to us at a great cost - the blood of Jesus was shed.
Only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham (Galatians 3:7). God will justify the Gentiles by faith. Those who believe that they are righteous by faith are blessed with believing Abraham. Right believing produces right living and transformation. The power of the Holy Spirit is in us. Father, thank You, that I am righteous apart from my performance, by the blood of Jesus. I will never lose my righteousness. The blood of Jesus gives me eternal forgiveness. I am under Abrahamic covenant of Grace.
With the gifts that He has given us, we will reign in life. We are given undeserved and unmerited favour. Believe that you are righteous by faith and you will see the blessings of God manifest. Under Grace, He will make us young and our youth will be renewed like the eagles. We are holy and untouchable by the devil. God loves me! God is my exceeding great reward.
The ground for our blessing is not under the merit system. We are blessed because we believe that we are made righteous by faith. When we dwell in the secret place of the Most High, we will abide in the shadow of His protection (Psalms 91). With long life He will satisfy us.
The Bible refers to the ministry of death engraved on stones. The only part of the law that was engraved on stones were the Ten Commandments. The law did not make any one holy. As long as the law is covered by the mercy seat, God is able to give victory and blessings. Jesus went to the throne of God and He sprinkled His blood on the true throne. It is now no longer a throne of judgment but a throne of Grace. The work of Jesus is finished. He has done it! The Grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen!
A long time ago, God found fault with the old covenant (Hebrews 8) and God sent His Son. Come unto Jesus all of you who labour to please God and who are heavy laden with the yoke of bondage, and He will give you rest.
At the Cross, Jesus cried, "My God! My God! Why have You forsaken me?" so that we can cry, "Father! Father! Why have You blessed me?". He paid the price so that God can say that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus cried, "It is finished!" and then bowed His head and released his Spirit. What has been finished? The forgiveness of our sins. The price for our health, prosperity, well-being and intimacy with God has been paid. When Jesus died on the Cross, God tore the veil at the temple into two. The blood that tore the veil removed our sins for us to come boldly to the throne of Grace that we may obtain Grace and mercy. Mercy is "not getting the bad things that we deserve" and Grace is "getting the good things that we do not deserve". Praise the Lord!
The Lamb of God died for us. We are precious to God and we have been purchased by the blood of God's Son. All our sins have been forgiven and we are blessed with believing Abraham. The Son of God who loved me gave Himself up for me. There is nothing for me to do but to receive. Jesus has paid the price. Jesus is an overpayment for my sins. I receive an abundance of favour and the gift of righteousness. I reign in life. I am saved and loved by Him. He embraces me and lavishes me with His kisses. Jesus is my Saviour. Amen!
God is a God of Grace. His gentleness is His glory. His mercy is His majesty. He is merciful and gracious. I stand by His Grace.
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