When we take the Holy Communion, we have to take it with the knowledge of the Word of God. God wants us to take the Lord's Supper out of faith, trusting that God can cause us to walk in the best of life and health. Do not take the Holy Communion like a ritual but instead take it out of faith. It is not God's will for us to have a disease because if it is, why are you running to the doctor for medication... to get out of God's will?
When Jesus was on earth, the greater part of His miracles related to the healing of bodies. God does not give sickness and diseases. He is always multiplying what we give Him. What we give Him is a seed and He always gives us back a harvest.
The world is under condemnation until they receive the way out. His name is Jesus. If we accept Jesus, we come out of the first Adam (and all the sicknesses that we received through Adam) and go into the second Adam (Jesus) (and receive health and healing). God wants us to take advantage of the Holy Communion so that we will not suffer the condemnation of the world (that is, weakness, sickness and premature death). Jesus came to remove this condemnation, for all who take the Lord's Supper.
1 Corinthians 11:29-30 says that he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body and for this reason many are weak, sick and die prematurely. It does not say that if you have sin or if you are unworthy, you cannot partake of the Holy Communion. We are all unworthy. Jesus came to die for unworthy people. We receive Jesus and He qualified us. What it says is not to partake of the Lord's Supper in an unworthy manner, that is, by not discerning the Lord's body. Everything in the natural in this world is sick and God has provided the Holy Communion to off-set and to be a way of escape. Therefore, let us not shun the Lord's table which is a blessing. There is only one reason for the church being weak, sick and dying prematurely, which is by not discerning the Lord's body when we partake the bread. We need to discern what the bread has been given to us for.
God wants us to seek out His Word and to be hungry for His Word. "Discerning" means "distinguishing the difference". There is a difference between why the body of Christ was broken and why the blood of Christ was shed. Jesus' body was broken for our healing and His blood was shed for the remission of our sins. God wants to give the blessings of health and wholeness to those who are hungry. We need to understand what the Lord's Supper means and distinguish it from a normal meal. If we discern the Lord's body and see the difference between the broken body of Christ and the shed blood of Christ, we are partaking of the Holy Communion in a worthy manner and we become healthy, whole and live long.
Jesus took our sins and our diseases when He hung on the Cross. He has borne our sicknesses and diseases and carried our pains (Isaiah 53:4). Jesus has healed our physical diseases (Matthew 8:16-17).
The devil gives us trouble because we are alive and a threat to him. Resist the devil! He may come against you one way but he will flee seven ways! When the devil comes to us and whispers in our ears, "What if you fail?", we should reply, "What if I succeed?". Do not let the devil place doubt in your mind. Believe that the Lord will deliver you from your problems. The death of Jesus is for us to have faith in. Have faith in God! With God, all things are possible. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ.
All the sicknesses and problems known to man came about because of Adam's simple act of eating from the wrong tree. God will through the last Adam (Jesus) cause us to receive back everything through a simple act of eating as well. Whatever the devil has stolen from us, God will restore double.
Jesus is the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. The bread that Jesus gives is His flesh, which He gives for the life of the world. Unless we eat the flesh of Jesus and drink His blood, we have no life in us. Whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood has eternal life, and Jesus will raise him up at the last day. He who eats Jesus' flesh and drinks His blood abides in Jesus and Jesus abides in him (John 6:49-58). It was God who sent Jesus to die for us. Jesus came to do the will of God. When we abide in Jesus, we will bear fruit and we are in a protected zone called "blessed". He is in us and He will speak to us with an inner voice. He will lead us and guide us. We become stronger and healthier. The normal chores of life can be performed by us easily.
The Holy Communion is not a one-time thing. Those who constantly partake of the Lord's Supper will receive healing. God will renew our youth. It is all about Jesus! God gives amazing miracles to us through the simple act of eating. Praise the Lord! Something powerful happens in the simple act of partaking of the Holy Communion. Jesus did not come to give us religion but a relationship. He has paid the full price for our healing and wholeness.
When Jesus was tied to the scourging post and scourged, He fell. When He fell, He got up and was scourged again and again until His entire flesh was gone. He paid a very heavy price so that our bodies can be well and our minds sharp and intelligent. We have the right because the Son of God paid for us to be healthy.
Jesus has borne all my punishment, including sicknesses and diseases. He is my Healer, my Saviour and my Shepherd.
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Hi cybeRanger,
Thank you very much!
The Lord will always give us exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think. He knows what we need and what we want and he fulfills all our wants and more.
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