In the Garden of Eden, good and evil come from the same tree, ie. the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. So, in actual fact, good and evil are 2 sides of the same coin.
Christianity is all about receiving the life of Jesus. It is not about the life of shunning evil and doing good. If we cannot shun evil, what makes us think that we can be good all the time? The more we try to be a better person, the more things tend to go haywire and spiral out of control. We may end up giving up the fight and find ourselves in a worser position than before.
We should remember that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son. If our Father did not withhold his Son from us, how much more will He give to us, who are His children?
Take Jesus as your life. Take Him as your patience. Take Him as your tree of life and let Him do the work. Take Him as your strength to be a better person. You can never become a better person from your own effort.
If you think that you are a sinful person and you do not deserve salvation, do you know that Jesus came to save the sinners and the unworthy people? If we are perfect and holy, Jesus did not need to die for us on the cross.
Jesus' power shows up the best in weak people. When I am weak, the Lord carries me and I end up being strong. Wait on the Lord and you will see miracles happen in your life beyond your every imagination.
Knowing that you are forgiven of your sins by the dying of Jesus on the cross is not enough. Many of us have been attending church for years. We have listened to the word of grace. So, why is it that many of us are in a rut after so many years? Why do we not see healing in our bodies. It is because we need to go to Him. His strength is perfect. From Him comes our strength and life. God makes all things work for good.
Let us rest in the Lord and allow the beauty of our Lord and Saviour shine forth through us. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. We wonder what He can do through us. My friend, he can do wonders. He uses what others see as useless and through the useless, He shows how magnificent He is.
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