I came home late today. If you read my post of yesterday, you must be thinking... "her reprieve of yesterday was short-lived". I guess you are right.
When I reached home, PIL were already at our home. They had ordered dinner (via telephone) from Different Tastes Restaurant at Frankel Avenue and Da had driven to the Restaurant to collect the food.
My mother ate sambal fried rice.

Everyone shared the stir-fried broccoli.

MIL ordered fried rice for me.

FIL ate sambal fried rice.

Da ate fried bee hoon fried with chilli. It tasted like dry mee siam.

MIL also sliced several oranges to be shared. Princess was excited when she saw the oranges. She pointed to them and said "please" ever so sweetly to FIL. When Her Royal Highness says "please", how can one refuse?

Always end a meal on a sweet note! And that means... chocolates!
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