For those of us who are in Christ Jesus, any disease cannot touch us, even if it around us because we are immune. I take the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2). It has made me free from the law of sickness and death. It keeps me immune. I believe that every disease, germ and virus that touches my body dies instantly in Jesus' name and as I have believed, so it shall be (Mark 11:24).
The peace of God is with me (Romans 15:33). The God of peace will crush satan under our feet and the grace of Jesus is with us (Romans 16:20). It is grace that crushes the devil. Grace is the only thing that the devil has no defence against.
I want to experience God as a God of peace (Philippians 4:9). I want satan to be crushed under my feet by Jesus. Whatever I have learned from Jesus, I shall do the same and the God of peace will be with me. I reject any fear and anxiety in my heart. Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Good things happen to me. I receive from the Lord. I keep myself in the love of God. I am confident in Jesus' love for me. His love is perfect and will cast out all fear from my life.
The Lord always believes the best of us (Judges 6:11-24). He sees what He can do in us. When others saw a shepherd boy, the Lord saw a king in David. God uses the weak people and recycle them to raise champions and makes them a testimony to God. Lord, let the blessing of peace come to me so that it can flow through me to others.
If we learn to walk with the God of peace, we do not have to be afraid and we will not succumb to any deadly disease. We are with the God of peace and He will crush satan under our feet. Therefore be careful for nothing and cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for us. Once we have cast our cares in an area, that area will no longer be a concern. The peace of God which surpasses all understanding will be upon us. It will guard our hearts and our minds through Jesus. The peace will protect us and guide us.
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