For us, we need to know that the work of Jesus at the Cross is finished. We need to keep on seeing afresh that Jesus has done it all and believe this truth. Jesus is more than enough. We need to keep on hearing and seeing. God does not just give us righteousness. He wants us to experience His blessedness and this happens when we keep seeing, hearing and believing. See how He is more than enough for our situation and faith will arise. His glory will come upon us and defend us. I seek the Lord and I fill my ears and eyes with Jesus.
Lunch was a light-hearted and enjoyable affair. A large part of the lunch centred on discussion on mahjong and the rules of the game. I learned for the first time today that if the first tile thrown by the "banker" causes another player to "game", the winner will win all the chips. This happened to a mahjong game that my mother, LG and ZT had recently, except that during that game, my family was not sure whether my mother (the player who "gamed" due to the first tile that the "banker" (ZT) had thrown) could win all the chips. It was late at night and everyone had a good laugh when LG told us that in order to settle the matter, a few long-distance telephone calls were made to my mother's relatives (who live in Philippines and Malaysia!) to consult the experts on whether my mother could win all the chips. Unfortunately, they were unable to contact any of the 师傅 (shī fu) (that is, expert) and they decided during that game to count my mother's win as an extra "double" instead of letting her win all the chips. FIL jokingly asked my mother how much she had been short-changed for that game.
It was another awesome church service today. Truly, one moment of God's favour is worth more than ten years of labour. We are in the days where God's ever increasing favour will fall on us. His ever increasing glory will come upon us. Let us arise and shine, for the glory of God has come. Christ is in us and the glory of the Lord will be seen in us. People will become attracted to us because they see the love of Christ in us.
After church, Da and I went to Parkway Parade to do some window shopping. We passed by a ZTP Ginseng outlet and we bought a bottle of warm luo han drink. I requested the shop assistant to add some Chinese herbs to the drink to aid my sore throat. These herbs are very bitter and frankly speaking, the drink was not very palatable due to the addition of the herbs. However, I have in the past found this to be very effective in curing my sore throat. I took a leaf out of IL's book - I made a face before I drank the drink. (When Da and I were at the home of NN yesterday, NN's wife fed IL her medication using a syringe as IL is only 15 months old. She is such a sweet child. Although she did not like the medication, unlike other children who will vigorously shake their heads, make a lot of noise and/or avoid the medication), IL dutifully allowed SF to feed her the medication. The only thing that IL did was to screw up her face in distaste as the syringe was inserted into her mouth.)
Dinner with my family was at Hong Kong Street Family Restaurant located at Eastwood Centre. As we pondered over the menu, we realised that the food suggestions that were raised were all the "usual dishes" that my family orders. Today, however, my family decided to order Hong Kong ko kee. This dish comprises ko kee vegetables cooked with wolfberries. The vegetables are very soft and tasty. We also ordered a plate of kung pao chicken.
The fish steamed Teochew style was very fresh. As usual, my mother had the honours of eating the fish head and the fish tail. She stopped short of eating the fish eyes although she gladly accepted the fish stomach that ZT ladled onto her plate. I cannot tolerate the taste of fish stomach - I find the texture very "slimy". This reminds me of a James Bond movie that I watched many years ago. In that movie, Roger Moore (who played the role of Agent 007) nearly threw up when the person that he was having dinner with ate a dish that the person said was "stuffed sheep's head" and that person plucked out the sheep's eyes and ate them. *grin*
Indeed, a family that eats together, stays together. Da and I are blessed with families that value and treasure each other's company.
hi foodie
sore throat again?? drink luohan with ginseng
Hi All TKMJKs!
A bit too late to reply to your recent MJ query.
Anyway, fyi, the player who game on the 1st tile thrown out by the Banker will "sau ka liao" and no need to count anymore, la! Just pay money and "in full" too, hor!
The Winner in this instance "rugi" bcos only got "one extra" double for this?
Can't blame anyone bcos all "kakis" also not sure as never encountered b4, right? Hahahahaa!
Aiya, compensate by "belanjaring" her to a good meal, lor!Hehehehe!
From: Me in Manila ...... "Mabuhay" land!
Hmmmm ..... wondering what "TKMJK" stands for???? ......... well ........ "Tanjong Katong Mah Jong Kakis", la!Hahahaaaaaaaaa
wah liao eh....kena con leh ..............
Eh.. this is velly interesting lei. 1st x encountered by the TKMJKs???? Hai ya, it is alled "sek thin wu" in Canto, i.e. the person who game, sapu all the chips, just like gaming a 13 wonders or "sap sam yeos", also sapu all. FYI, if the first card thrown is not game by anyone, then the 1 tile drawn by next player after chngker threw the tile, and game, that also sapu all. It is called "tei wu". After this, anyone game, count accordingly. So, TKMJKs, expect to receive my expert service bill. You can pay by two pcs of chee choe.. ha...ha...ha.....
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