The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes (Romans 1:16-17). It is the righteousness of God in Christ revealed. The just shall live by faith. Salvation refers to prosperity, health, well-being and protection from evil and harm. What do you believe?
We stand before God without a sense of inferiority, guilt and condemnation in our heart. To him who works, the wages are not accounted as grace but as debt. Blessed are those to whom the Lord imputes righteousness apart from works (Romans 4:3). Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.
We are blessed when our sins are forgiven. Our sins have been paid for by the blood of Jesus. The forgiveness of sins is the gospel. It is the foundation of our Christian walk. It is what we believe that will give us the power to walk in victory.
Through Jesus' name, whoever believes in Him will receive the forgiveness of sins (Acts 10:43). The gospel is all about the forgiveness of sins. There is hope in Jesus! When we believe in the gospel, we will receive the power of God coming into play in every area of our lives. Nothing can stop us from receiving from Him.
Through Jesus is preached to us the forgiveness of sins. By Jesus, everyone who believes is justified from all things which we cannot be justified by the law of Moses (Acts 13:38-39). The hearing of the gospel imparts faith to us and we receive the miracle.
Lord, I have faith to be healed! Heal me, O Lord and I will be healed. Save me and I will be saved. Fill me, O Lord and I will be filled. You are the one I praise. The blood of Jesus has washed us once and for all. We are perfected by Jesus.
The root of sickness today is because we live in a fallen world. The hindrance of sin has been removed by the blood of Jesus. Nothing can stop us from receiving from God today. God is a good God! Sin has been dealt with on the Cross. We have redemption because of the blood of Jesus. God is for us. He loves us and cares for us. His grace and unmerited favour will never run out.
The forgiveness of our sins is for eternity. God has forgiven us of all our past, present and future sins. When the Lord restores, it is greater and better than before. Miracles, wonders and blessings will flow in our lives. I believe, Lord and I open my hands to receive all that Your love has in store. You always answer my prayers exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can ask or and think. You have been good and gracious to me. I have been given so much that I do not even know where to begin to thank You. I believe there are more blessings and miracles in store for me and I claim them, in the name of Jesus!
Bless the Lord and forget not all His benefits (Psalms 103). Lord, I choose to remember. You have forgiven all my iniquities, healed all my diseases, delivered my life from destruction, satisfied my mouth with good things and renewed my youth like the eagle. I know that it is not simply a case of my being in denial about my age. I know with my whole heart and being that You have renewed my youth like the eagle! Only You can do this, Lord. Collagen gels, anti-age creams, facial masks, botox... all these are temporal. Your blessings are eternal.
We need the power of God in our lives. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ (Romans 10:17). The Word of God is everything from Genesis to Revelation. What, then, is the Word of Christ? It is new covenant preaching. Faith comes when you listen to sermons that preach the new covenant. Listen to the gospel! Listening to a sermon a day keeps the doctor, wrinkles, sickness, disease, poverty, fears, worries and every bad thing away and it attracts all the blessings of God to us. The more we listen to the Word of Christ, many negative things in our lives will drop away supernaturally. Will power may work in the short term but not in the long term. Many things in our lives come about when we listen to the gospel. The more we listen, we start to lose more and more of our bad habits. The Word of Grace causes us to be established and to grow. Do not focus on overcoming a bad habit that you may have. Take time to listen to anointed preaching and one day, you will reflect and realise that you have along the way, kicked the bad habit without your realising it.
Does knowing that our sins have been forgiven make us want to sin more? No. When we know that our sins have been forgiven eternally, we will find that we have self-control, perseverance, kindness towards others and love... even love for our enemies. We will want to live a life that glorifies God. Will we still do something not so good from time to time? Sure, we will because we are human. But we will not purposely do it and if we happen to do it inadvertently, we have the assurance that all our sins have been forgiven.
A person who claims that he believes in the gospel and yet deliberately goes around committing sin (eg. making life difficult for his colleagues, getting involved in office politics, backstabbing others, being a naysayer, etc) does not have true revelation of the love of Christ and belief in the gospel because if he does, he will no longer feel the desire to attack others just to further his own selfish cause.
Our sins are forgiven because Jesus went to the Cross. He bore our past, present and future sins and He shed His precious blood for us. He took our place so that we can take His place. Even though our sins may be scarlet, through Him we are whiter than snow. We are truly redeemed. There is hope in Jesus.
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