For the vertical relationship, it is more blessed to receive than to give, so that we can be a blessing to those with whom we are in a horizontal relationship (where it is more blessed to give than to receive).
The Bible is a book of revelation. It reveals Jesus, whose name means "salvation". He is salvation from whatever is troubling us in our lives. Jesus came to save.
The mega bailout happened to the world when God sent His Son.
God is going to use this economic downturn to position His people. Let us not be afraid of what is happening. The supply is overflowing in the kingdom of God.
Believe that God is a good God. God loves faith. Faith is having a good opinion of God. He is a rewarder, not a punisher nor taker. God says, "receive My love and My love and acceptance will change you". God did not wait for the world to be perfect before He sent His Son.
God loves us and He can place us at the right place at the right time. God can make happenings happen to us. We can plan all we want but we are never in charge of our haps. Let God be in charge of 2009 for us.
Regardless of how bad or sinful our lives are, Jesus will turn everything around. The blood of God runs in Jesus' veins.
Baby Jesus as placed in a manger when He was born. A manger is a trough box used to feed one's sheep and oxen. Jesus was born to be eaten. Jesus came for us to feed on Him. He came to be the bread of life. Only when we feed on Jesus do we have the strength to be like Him. When we eat Jesus, we are "who" we eat. We feed on Jesus when we listen to the Word.
In the beginning, there was the Word. The Word can restore our body. The Word became flesh and tabernacled amongst us. God can give a Word of prophecy. God, by Jesus' birth, is demonstrating by oath that we shall be saved from the hands of those who hate us. We are saved from our enemies. Jesus was born to save us from our enemies. Jesus came to give us full and abundant life.
Jesus goes about healing all. God heals everybody. Jesus took our sins and all our diseases at the Cross.
The fear of God is referring to the worship of God. We serve God in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives. Let us put on the new man who is created righteous and holy. We do not have to try to be righteous and holy - we already are. Our clothes do not make us holy. The moment we receive Jesus, we are born again in righteousness and holiness. This is the message of Christmas.
For God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son. God did not send His Son to condemn but to save. For God to do this, His Son must hang on a tree and take upon Himself a crown of thorns. He was forsaken so that God can say to us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Believe and we will change. We cannot change of our own effort.
Jesus was born to die for our sins for He shall save His people from their sins.
We celebrate Christmas to remember what Jesus has done for us. It is not about Santa Claus, buffets nor Christmas presents.
I thank You, Abba Father, that You loved us so much that You sent Your only begotten Son to die for us. I give all praise, honour and glory to You!
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